This Is Why You Take Tornado Warnings Seriously – Awkward Family Photos

ly. Tornadoes can destroy a roof and even a complete house within a few seconds. This video shows how a tornado appears at a close distance.

It’s the year of 2015. Mr. Schultz goes upstairs to find a torch in his house situated in Fairdale, Illinois. He gazes out of the window and notices something dark spinning and wedge-like, moving toward the house. The creature is an unsettling scene that he is determined to capture. The funnel is swirling dirt and debris in a violent way as it barrels close farther. Sometimes, power flashes may be visible from distant power lines.

As the tornado nears your home, you will be able to hear the sound of winds. The roar could be compared to a train. Once the tornado has finally hit, the camera goes dark with all the dust and debris that fly across the landscape. However, just before going completely dark, there is an electric line snapped as a toothpick. From this point on it’s impossible to see anything. The only thing you can hear is the deafening roar of the wind. Then, as quickly as the tornado came, it leaves and the noise dies slowly. They are powerful and should not be taken lightly.
