Four Ways to Improve Your Internet Security

Removing computer virus

According to Internet World Stats, 38.8 percent of the world population is using the internet for its various needs. We use the internet to communicate with each other and to do academic research. Consider that, according to Pew Internet, 44% of American smartphone owners use their device to do their banking. Many more Americans use the internet, via their computers or mobile devices, to do their shopping. Cyber criminals realize there is a huge opportunity to exploit online security and make a lot of money. For that reason, we should all follow these four tips to ensure our online safety.

  • Stop Clicking
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    One of the trends in the latest cyber crimes is phishing e-mails. According to Kaspersky lab , these e-mails contain links that bring you to dummy websites. These pages are setup to look just like your bank, cellphone, or credit card log-in page. When you arrive and enter your information, the criminals steal it. They then use it to steal your funds and possibly your identity.

    E-mails are also carrying trojan links. When you click on these links a piece of malicious software is installed on your computer to log your keystrokes and steal your vital information. Stop clicking on links unless you know for sure they can be trusted.

  • The Best Offense…
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    Never have to worry about how to fix a computer virus by making sure you never get one. The FBI points out that you need to have adequate defense software installed on your computer to stay safe online. Free programs, like Microsoft Security Essentials, are perfect for most people. By keeping your security software, firewall definitions, and operating system up to date you improve your computer virus protection considerably.

  • Get Professional Help
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    Hopefully you do not ever have to learn how to fix a computer virus, but if you do not follow the first two tips then you will likely wind up with a nasty infection. These viruses can ruin your computer or function as cyber crime technology as they siphon sensitive data off your machine. Not everyone knows how to fix a computer virus. If you feel like you have one, seek professional help immediately.

  • Do Not Simplify
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    Mumbai Mirror suggests that one of the strongest forms of defense for cyber security is complexity. Keep separate e-mail accounts for your bank information, social media, and purchases. This way if a hostile party does gain access to one e-mail not everything becomes compromised. Further, do not keep the same password on all of your accounts or you will see the domino effect in action. Is it less convenient to have your life stolen or to keep multiple passwords in your head?

Whatever you use the internet for the fact is that you need to protect yourself. Just like in the physical world there are people out there who want to take your hard earned money away from you. By utilizing these four tips, while hopefully only needing three of them, you can effectively defend yourself.