Category: Uncategorized

  • The War on Cyber Attacks

    According to some of the latest cyber crime articles, almost 600,000 Facebook accounts around the world were compromised every day in 2012. In that same year, nearly 1.5 million people were victims of cyber crime. That comes out to about 18 people every second. But social media is far from the only target. Hackers and…

  • Can Cyber Crimes Affect You?

    Most people can name the latest big headline in gun-related violence, but do you know what the latest cyber crime was? Probably not, although that is nothing to be ashamed of. Cyber crime is a relatively new form of crime, and like the mode in which it is committed, it tends to be reported under…

  • Learn How to Prevent Cyber Crime

    Learning how to prevent cyber crime is something that everyone should be conscious of in 2013. A few years ago, people only had to be worry about computer virus protection. Today however, it is not quite so simple. Having the latest and greatest in antiviral software is a good idea, but there are several other…

  • Four Tips for Keeping Important Computer Information Safe

    The average web user, according to a recent study, spends more than 30 hours a month on their computer. While some are just messing around playing games and killing time or getting updates about their favorite sports teams or athletes, some use the computer for more serious things. For instance, online banking has become quite…

  • Cyber Crime Is No Threat To Take Lightly Read Some Facts and Change Your Life

    If you needed to, would you know how to prevent cyber crime? Most people would not, and often take their own cyber security for granted. The latest cyber crime could be just around the corner, and you could be the first victim. One of the tricks to cyber crime prevention is learning from others’ unfortunate…

  • The High Cost of Cyber Crime on the Global Economy

    As most people know by now, removing computer viruses is an important part of keeping your computer healthy and utterly necessary to stay safe online. Once infected, hackers can use your virus riddled computer to not only steal your identity, but use your computer to launch DDOS attacks, or as a proxy while hacking corporations…

  • Three Current Computer Viruses and How to Remove Them

    Are you aware that, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, there were more than 280,000 cases of cybercrime reported in 2012 alone? As online shopping continues to soar in popularity, an industry that surpassed $1 trillion in sales for the first time in 2012, according to NBC News, Americans need to find increasingly secure…

  • Three Ways to Defend Yourself Against Cyber Crime

    Did you know, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, there were over 280,000 cases of cyber crime reported in 2012 alone? This marks an 8.3% increase since 2011. With 78.1% of the U.S. population, over 245 million people, using the internet as of June 2012, according to Internet World Stats, the fact is there…

  • Computer Safety Is Half Software, Half Practice

    With how easy it is to get into computer and software programming, it is becoming easier and more viable for people to craft malicious software. As such, it can seem like it is getting harder to stay safe online. Yet online safety can really be boiled down to 50 percent worm computer virus protection, and…

  • Four Ways to Improve Your Internet Security

    According to Internet World Stats, 38.8 percent of the world population is using the internet for its various needs. We use the internet to communicate with each other and to do academic research. Consider that, according to Pew Internet, 44% of American smartphone owners use their device to do their banking. Many more Americans use…